2009 | FSK 0 | 1h 10m
In the enchanted kingdom of Pinkovia, the fairy princess Princess Lillifee rules with a magical hand, bringing beauty and good will wherever she goes. Accompanied by her pet pig, Pupsi, she zips through the countryside, leaving behind a magical trail of... clouds of pink butterflies and twinkling stars.
But she soon discovers that not everyone in her kingdom is happy. Over time, the fairies of Pinkle have become increasingly abusive of their magical powers. It is the elves and mermaids of the surrounding land suffer so much from the fairies' mischief that they even consider leaving the enchanted realm for good. As a caring fairy, this makes Lillifee very sad.
But together with all her friends, Princess Lillifee is determined to restore the gentle harmony of her wonderful kingdom and fill it with the joy of its sparkling, glittering splendour...
Chicago International
Children's Festival
Maresa Sedlmeir
Julia Haacke
Sabine Bohlmann
Gudo Hoegel
Stefan Günther
Sandra Schwittau
Ansgar Niebuhr
Alan Simpson
Mark Slater
Gabriele M. Walther
ndF neue deutsche Filmgesellschaft mbH
Caligari Film
In co-production with
Universum Film
and WDR
Caligari Film- und
Fernsehproduktions GmbH
Reisingerstraße 5
80337 Munich
+49 89 54 80 95 0